Marchetti family collection 1944-1945 Marchetti family collection


Marchetti family collection 1944-1945 Marchetti family collection

This collection is made up of 13 letters and 119 photographic negatives related to the Marchetti family of Providence, Rhode Island. Luigi Marchetti ("Louis") served in the 809th Engineer Aviation Battalion in Italy during World War II, and the family received several letters from "Dita Impiglia," an acquaintance in Grosseto, Italy, during and just after the war.

132 items



Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Marchetti, Luigi (Louis), 1917-1996 (person)

Marchetti family (family)

Luigi ("Louis") Marchetti (or "Marchitti") was born in Rhode Island on January 31, 1917. His parents, Raffaele and Maria, were Italian immigrants who moved to Providence, Rhode Island, in the early 20th century. During World War II, Louis Marchetti served in North Africa and Italy with the 809th Engineer Aviation Battalion; while in Italy, he visited his father's hometown. Louis Marchetti died on April 15, 1996. From the guide to the Marchetti family collection, 1944-194...

Brown University. (corporateBody)

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